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V podjetju smo se odločili, da pričnemo z razvojem keramičnega senzorja tlaka, ki bodo izdelani po LTCC tehnologiji. Hkrati bomo razvili tudi stroje za avtomatizirano izdelavo keramičnih senzorjev tlaka, ki bodo omogočili množično izdelavo le teh s ciljem, da bi bila proizvodnja čim cenejša, uporaba pa čim bolj množična.

S razvojem strojev za množično izdelavo keramičnih senzorjev tlaka bomo še bolj utrdili status nišnega proizvajalca namenskih strojev za elektronsko industrijo, ki uspešno konkurira na globalnem trgu.

Na projektu sodelujemo tudi s podjetjem SMM d.o.o. iz Maribora, ki skrbi za informatizacijo proizvodnih procesov v skladu z Industry 4.0, razvojno pa tudi c CO NAMASTE, Ljubljana.

Vrednost projekta je ocenjena na 1.035.000 EUR. Naložbo sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj, vrednost sofinanciranja Republike Slovenije in EU pa je skupaj 362.000 EUR.


In the company Keko Equipment Ltd., we decided to start developing a ceramic pressure sensor that will be manufactured according to LTCC technology. At the same time, we will also develop machines for the automated production of ceramic pressure sensors, which will enable mass production of them with the aim of making the production as cheaper and use as massive as possible.

With the development of machines for the mass production of ceramic pressure sensors, we will further consolidate the status of a niche manufacturer of dedicated machines for the electronics industry, which successfully competes in the global market.

We also cooperate with SMM d.o.o. from Maribor, Slovenia, which takes care of the computerization of production processes in accordance with Industry 4.0, as well as the development of Centre od Excellence  NAMASTE, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

The value of the project is estimated at EUR 1,035,000, The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund,while the value of the co-financing of the Republic of Slovenia and the EU totals EUR 362,000.





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